In an effort to assist students to keep track of Major Assignments, I will post them on this web page regularly. The Major Assignments include the Problems of the Week (POWs), the portfolio, and the end of the unit assessments. In addition, I will also include the last day to submit revisions for the unit. Because it is difficult to predict all events that can interfere with my plans, all due dates are tentative and may be altered at my discretion. Please note that these pages are not intended to list the daily assignments, homework, or quizzes. Students are responsible for this information and it will not be available online. |
All Major Assignments (POWs, Portfolio, Take-Home Assessment) are due on the due date at the beginning of the class period. Late Major Assignments will not be accepted unless the student is unexpectedly absent from school on the due date for the entire school day and brings a note from his/her parent/guardian about his/her absence. The late Major Assignment must be turned in on the day of the student's return to school at the beginning of the class period. Students who are participating in a school activity on a Major Assignment due date are expected to turn in their assignment before they participate in the school activity. |
Assignment Calendars |